Texture and Curves

Texture and Curves

Another image from the rather wet and dreary Bank Holiday weekend in Dungeness, Kent. As mentioned in the previous post the weather was uninspiring to say the least; the cloud hung low over the area like a grey blanket covering any features of interest.

I’d driven too far in poor weather to give in and changed tactic; instead of landscapes I would shoot abstracts and close up shots.

There are several of these old fishing boats on the beach, pulled far up above high water, sitting and rotting like beached whales. I’d photographed them before but this time I decided to focus in on the detail. The wet wood and curved lines of the planks and nails drew me to this particular boat (in truth most were in a similar state, but it was damp and windy and this boat was closest). The peeling paint further marked it out as a suitable candidate so I fired off a few shots along the side.

Once back in the warmth I loaded the shots onto the laptop, run the single RAW file through Photomatix to enhance the textures and made a few final adjustments in Photoshop (CS6 Beta for those who are interested).

21 responses to “Texture and Curves

  1. Great, great details here, Chris! Love the depth of focus, too, you really delivered a great image here for everyone to enjoy!

    • Thanks Adam, the title came to me while I was processing, in fact it describes the Post Production just as well. Was nailed it an intentional pun?

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