West Park – The Links

The Links

I’ve been kicking around a few ideas for blog posts but either the images did not inspire or the subject lacked something.

Although I would tend to class myself as a Landscape photographer with a hint of Street and Fine Art it appears that I’m known more for my Urbex shots, so I decided to re process an image from a favourite Urbex location; the now flattened West Park Asylum.

West Park follows a classic Victorian Arrowhead layout; a main building flanked by outbuilding radiating out behind in a vague triangle, all interconnected by a network of covered walkways or Links like the one above. These would have given protection from the elements for staff and patients alike, but since the hospitals closure have provided protection from prying eyes for the wise explorer.

The above shot is fairly standard, wide lens, long walkway, low POV, 5 exposures tonemapped in Photomatix Pro 4 before importing into Adobe Photoshop for levels adjustment. I applied a Bleach Bypass filter from NIK software to the final image at approx 65% to add a little harshness and punch and voilà.

16 responses to “West Park – The Links

    • Thanks Edith. I’m slightly embarrassed to admit that the processing took a couple of minutes, tonemapped in Photomatix, levels in PS and a filter added. Job done

  1. Nice vanishing point. I was new to this game and only visited WP 3 times all towards the end; still saw a lot of stuff, an got some of my all time fave images, but missed seeing the place in it’s prime.

    • My 1st trip was a washout. Could not find an entry, straight in next time then went more times then I can remember. I never got the dentist but I’m glad I got the grand piano, although that was days before it went and the demo team were in the room below us when I was shooting.

  2. I love the leading lines in this one, Chris, this is an absolutely top drawer shot, my friend!

  3. Pingback: 73 Links and Photos That Will Make Your Photography-Loving Head Explode –·

  4. Pingback: 73 Links and Photos That Will Make Your Photography-Loving Head Explode « « Gregory DeeseGregory Deese·

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