Girls School L – Staircase Detail

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Today we return to the abandoned girls school to look in more detail at the Grand Staircase as this area deserved more than one post.

The previous post gave hints of the grandeur of this area, today we focus on the Domed Roof that sits above and opposing views of the Arched windows that overlook the staircase.

The Domed roof was rendered in plaster and topped with a paned glass dome to illuminate the staircase with a wonderful soft light. Even in it’s present decayed state the attention to detail is obvious in the plaster mouldings and scale of the dome.

The Arched windows struck me as strange as they looked out onto the roof above when seen from the stairs. They would have been a mirror image of the arch that once stood at the top of the stairs. Seen from the outside view the quality and care is again evident in the detailing of both the arch and the plaster mouldings inside the windows.

14 responses to “Girls School L – Staircase Detail

  1. This must have been a really elegant building in its heyday – the detail is extraordinary. I would have thought a building like this should have had a preservation order placed upon it to prevent this sort of death by decay. This has been a tremendous series and you’ve done a first class job in capturing it.

  2. I’m serious, this is a truly mind-altering series you’ve put together my good friend… I can’t get over the beauty of the place, both in it’s current state as well as the imagined state it was in once upon a time when it was a going concern. Absolutely incredible photography here, my friend!

    • It was once a truly awesome building and the outlying buildings which would have once been the porters lodge and gate house look equally stunning but are still lived in.

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