Snow Abstractions

You may have heard that we had snow in London last weekend. At it’s peak it was around 4 inches maybe, in reality this is a laughable amount for most people but as we are not equipped for snow it still causes no end of chaos.

However, snow does bring great opportunities for photographers and I was desperate for it to fall so that I could get some shutter time in. I wanted to capture general snow scenes but also wanted to try something more creative. This resulted in a trip to Richmond Park where several hours were spent in the falling snow trying to capture the right image for what I wanted to create.

Snow Abstractions 1

Click to view large on 500px – it really looks better that way

The image above is the first from a series of abstract images I created that day, the bulk of the work here is done in Adobe Lightroom.


Single RAW file processed in Adobe Lightroom using the following:

Convert to Black & White

increase exposure slightly

Increase highlight & white slider while decreasing the amount of shadow using the shadow & black sliders until I found a point I was happy with

Crop to square

Dodge some of the shadow from the trees on the horizon

Reduce clarity to add a more ghostly feel to the people

  • Robin (

7 responses to “Snow Abstractions

    • Thanks Edith, there are more to follow which I hope you will like as much. I had great fun creating these and it has helped me with the process of how I see an image.

  1. Love the ghostly impressions of the trees in the background. This is one of those images that makes me wonder what else is going on in there hidden by all the white.

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